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ARC Discovery Project

Successful acquisition of Australian Research Council Discovery grant:agar and slime mould

Ethics and aesthetics as criteria for innovation: A design research study of biological art and digital architecture Funded ARC Grant 2009-2011

This project aims to understand innovation through design research, namely by engaging and reflecting on the activity of designing. It will develop and study a network of artists and designers in an emerging field of innovative practice, to capitalize on Australian expertise, and capture new knowledge about designerly ways of knowing that underpin innovation. Australia must innovate to tackle issues such as climate change, characterised by uncertainty, instability, uniqueness, and value conflicts. The research develops the central claim of design research, namely that design is a discipline with specific forms of knowledge, and specifically considers the role of this knowledge in the vital area of innovation. ARC grant Chief investigators: Dr Pia Ednie-Brown, Dr Andrew Burrow and Prof. Mark Burry of RMIT University, and Oron Catts, SymbioticA, UWA.